Wage Cell deals with thee matters relating to pay revision of CPSE executives at Board as well as below Board level and non-unionized supervisors, including formulation of guidelines for wage settlement negotiations in case of workmen in CPSEs and renders advice to the Administrative Ministries/ Departments and CPSEs in matters relating to revision in pay scales of executives and also for the wage policy negotiations of workmen. The CPSEs are largely following the Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) pattern of scales of pay. However, in some CPSEs, Central Dearness Allowance (CDA) pattern of scales of pay is also followed. Wage Cell also issues quarterly DA orders in respect of IDA employees. The DA orders for CDA employees of CPSEs are issued for six monthly periods.
- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
मजूरी कक्ष
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