1 | MoU Division | - Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
- Muni Ram Meena, Director
- Danish Sulemani, Assistant Director
- Albert Tete, Section Officer
| All matters related to: - Performance evaluation of CPSEs under MoU mechanism including coordination with various ministries / departments;
- All HPC Committee Meetings and modifications/ changes in MoU. Guidelines, and
- Online portal of MoU Mechanism;
- Corporate Governance guidelines and compilation of compliance reports of CPSEs.
2 | Policy Division - I | - Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
- Pavnesh Kr. Sharma, Director
- Rohin Koppuravari, Deputy Director
- Neeraj Verma, Assistant Director
- Tejender Singh, Assistant Section Officer
- Ayush Goyal, Assistant Section Officer
| All matters related to: - Ratna Scheme of CPSEs and all references related to it delegation of powers to CPSEs;
- Categorization of CPSEs;
- Matters relating to Board of Directors of CPSEs creation/abolition /re-designation of Board level posts;
- Creation of posts below board level;
- Matters relating to exemption from rule of immediate absorption in CPSEs;
- SCOPE, ICPE & PESB matters.
- All matters related to NLMC/ Asset Monetization/ Surplus Assets of CPSEs;
- Interaction with Committee of Company· Secretaries.
3 | Policy Division - II | - Dr Sumantra Pal, Economic Advisor
- Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary
- Kailash Bhandari, Deputy Director
- Kranti Kumar, Assistant Director
| All matters related to: - MSME Procurement under Public Procurement 2012 policy and GeM procurement by CPSEs;
- Extension of Ministry of Finance guidelines on purchase preference policy, Atamnirbhar Bharat Programme etc.;
- Comments on proposal of COS/ECOS/PIB/SFC/EFC Policy and cabinet meetings other than those related to disinvestment;
- CSR spending and policy framework thereto.
- Mission Recruitment;
- Employment and Reservations in CPSEs.
- Formulation or modification of guidelines of CRR and RDC schemes and Conduction & Coordination of trainings under the schemes;
- Selection of training partners/topics and financial approval for various trainings;
- Databank of NoDs (IDs) and proposals for selection and appointment of IDs on the Boards of CPSEs;
- Training/Orientation of NoDs and BoDs;
- Engagement of Interns, Programmers under RDC & CRR for OTNS related work;
- Submission of periodical reports of CPSEs in respect of issues like FR 56(j)/ Training/ Apprenticeship etc. to the . concerned Ministries/ Departments;
4 | Wage Cell | - Dr Sumantra Pal, Economic Advisor
- P.K.Sinha, Deputy Secretary
- Rajesh Puri, Deputy Director
- Arun Kumar, SSO
| All matters related to: - Review of compilation and publication of DPE guidelines in coordination with all other divisions.
- Annual performance · appraisal of Board functionaries of CPSEs (CPSE SPPAROW);
- Model CDA Rules, CVC guidelines and complaints against Board and below Board level executives;
- Pay revision of Board level executives below Board level executives and non unionized supervisors & proposals relating to wage settlements of unionized employees of CPSEs;
- Cabinet/ CCEA Note on wage revision and other subjects .of wage related matters.
- Quarterly DA orders for IDA and ·CDA pay scale employees of CPSEs;
- Correspondence including court cases on wage policy matters (fixation of pay/ HRA/ CCA/ gratuity etc.) from· individuals/ unions/ associations/ CPSEs of-Administrative Ministries/ Departments etc.;
5 | Survey Division | - Ms. Bindu Sreedathan, Deputy Director General
- Baljeet Singh, Joint Director
- Anup Prasad, Asst. Director
| All matters related to Survey such as: - Collection and scrutiny of data of CPSEs for PE Survey from Ministries/Departments;
- Updating Online application for PE Survey on DPE website;
- Coordination with Ministries/departments/CPSEs for work related to PE Survey;
- Preparation and printing of PE Survey Report;
- Laying of PE Survey and CAG Report (Commercial) in Parliament;
- Monitoring of Capital Expenditure of select CPSEs and its updation on PMO portal;
6 | Disinvestment Division | - Amardeep Singh Chowdhary, Pr. Adviser (Cost)
- Shiv Shankar Ojha, Director
- Anupama Sharma, Assistant Director
- Dharamveer Singh, Assistant Director
| All matters related to: - Matter related to 'New PSE policy' in non strategic sector: analysis of CPSEs for closure/ privatisation;
- Preparation of proposals and obtaining approval of competent authority;
- Driving of closure process of CPSEs approved for closure;
- Capital restructuring and other similar references in coordination with DIPAM;
- Matters relating to CGD / IMG meetings on strategic and minority disinvestment coordinated by DIPAM;
- Cabinet/CCEA/COS Notes and other consultation on above subjects.
7 | Administration, Cash, Parliament, Vigilance & Coordination Division | - Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
- Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary (Admn. & Coord.)
- Ms. P. Songlianvung, Under Secretary
- Nitin Kumar, Under Secretary (Admn.)
- Sudhir Kumar, Section Officer
- Satish Kumar, ASO (Parl. & Admn.)
- Saurabh Agrahari, Assistant Section Officer (Coord. & Admn.)
- Pawan Dahiya, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
- Neeraj Kumar, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
- Akash Yadav, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
- Chandni Singh, Section Officer (Cash)
- Alok Srivastava, Assistant Section Officer (Cash & Budget)
| A. Establishment: - Personnel matters including creation/continuation/ abolition of posts, recruitment rules etc.;
- Matters related to recruitment, appointment, retirement, YRS and review under FR 560) etc;
- Transfer, posting, deputation, domestic/ foreign tour, promotion, MACP and other service-related matters;
- Work allocation and nomination of nodal officers for various portals/ activities/ events;
- Reservation related matters, including matters related to Reservation ce11;
- Pay fixation, annual increment, conveyance allowances, LTC/ TA advance, leave encashment, GPF withdrawal, loans and advances, grant of honorarium, etc.;
- Pension and CPENGRMS related matters;
- Employees related other miscellaneous matters such as Leave Record, LTC, CGHS etc.;
- Maintenance of APARs and IPRs (Sparrow)
- Service-Book updation · and other miscellaneous matters.
B. General Administration: - Maintenance of Offices including furniture and other equipment/accessories, and surrounding premises;
- Provisioning of office accessories and services,including telephones, IT accessories and services;
- Hiring of manpower and vehicles;
- Expenditure on conferences, entertainment, contingency, office supplies, etc.
C. Vigilance Unit: Vigilance matters including complaints and disciplinary cases of DPE. D. Library: Custody of library and maintenance of library records. E. Receipt & Issue: All receipt and issue/dispatch related matters. F. Cash: - Maintenance of GPF accounts and issue of annual GPF slips, GPF advance and withdrawals;
- Calculation of income tax and issue of IT certificates;
- Disbursement of payments, reconciliation of accounts.
G. Budget: All Budget related matters and monitoring of expenditure H. Parliament: All Parliamentary work of DPE including matters related to the Parliamentary committees. I. Coordination: - Periodical reports and returns including e Samiksha, monthly DO etc.
- Public grievances and CPGRAMS related matters and SCDPM;
- All matters requiring coordination, including campaigns and events which need coordination;
- All Matters related to Sectoral Group of Secretaries.
8 | AMRCD Cell | - Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
- Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary
- Shankar Lal, Deputy Director
- Arun Kumar, SSO
| All matters related to: - Administrative Mechanism ;for Resolution of CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD);
- AMRCD Web Portal;
9 | NLMC Cell | - Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
- Rohin Koppuravari, Deputy Director
- Danish Sulemani, Assistant Director
| All matters related to NLMC such as: - Secretarial assistance for meetings of IMG/CGAM/AM;
- Coordination with CPSEs and Govt. agencies for monetisation of assets;
- Departmental coordination and supervision on NLMC;
- Guidelines for non-core assets monetisation;
- Matters of enemy property disposal;
- Matters relating meeting of CGAM for assets monetisation.
10 | IT Cell | - Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
- Dr. Naeem Ahmed, Sr. Director (IT), NIC-DPE
- Ms. P. Songlianvung, Under Secretary (IT Cell)
- M. Kumar, SSO (IT Cell)
| All matters related to IT Cell such as: - Maintenance and Upgradation of DPE Dashboard;
- Development and Maintenance of DPE online platforms;
- Supervision of IT Cell;
- Social Media Management.