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Allocation of work among the officers of DPE

S. No. Name of the Division Name of the Officers (Shri/Smt/Ms) Nature of work
1 MoU Division
  1. Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
  2. Muni Ram Meena, Director
  3. Danish Sulemani, Assistant Director
  4. Albert Tete, Section Officer

All matters related to:

  1. Performance evaluation of CPSEs under MoU mechanism including coordination with various ministries / departments;
  2. All HPC Committee Meetings and modifications/ changes in MoU. Guidelines, and
  3. Online portal of MoU Mechanism;
  4. Corporate Governance guidelines and compilation of compliance reports of CPSEs.
2 Policy Division - I
  1. Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
  2. Pavnesh Kr. Sharma, Director
  3. Rohin Koppuravari, Deputy Director
  4. Neeraj Verma, Assistant Director
  5. Tejender Singh, Assistant Section Officer
  6. Ayush Goyal, Assistant Section Officer

All matters related to:

  1. Ratna Scheme of CPSEs and all references related to it delegation of powers to CPSEs;
  2. Categorization of CPSEs;
  3. Matters relating to Board of Directors of CPSEs creation/abolition /re-designation of Board level posts;
  4. Creation of posts below board level;
  5. Matters relating to exemption from rule of immediate absorption in CPSEs;
  6. SCOPE, ICPE & PESB matters.
  7. All matters related to NLMC/ Asset Monetization/ Surplus Assets of CPSEs;
  8. Interaction with Committee of Company· Secretaries.
3 Policy Division - II
  1. Dr Sumantra Pal, Economic Advisor
  2. Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary
  3. Kailash Bhandari, Deputy Director
  4. Kranti Kumar, Assistant Director

All matters related to:

  1. MSME Procurement under Public Procurement 2012 policy and GeM procurement by CPSEs;
  2. Extension of Ministry of Finance guidelines on purchase preference policy, Atamnirbhar Bharat Programme etc.;
  3. Comments on proposal of COS/ECOS/PIB/SFC/EFC Policy and cabinet meetings other than those related to disinvestment;
  4. CSR spending and policy framework thereto.
  5. Mission Recruitment;
  6. Employment and Reservations in CPSEs.
  7. Formulation or modification of guidelines of CRR and RDC schemes and Conduction & Coordination of trainings under the schemes;
  8. Selection of training partners/topics and financial approval for various trainings;
  9. Databank of NoDs (IDs) and proposals for selection and appointment of IDs on the Boards of CPSEs;
  10. Training/Orientation of NoDs and BoDs;
  11. Engagement of Interns, Programmers under RDC & CRR for OTNS related work;
  12. Submission of periodical reports of CPSEs in respect of issues like FR 56(j)/ Training/ Apprenticeship etc. to the . concerned Ministries/ Departments;
4 Wage Cell
  1. Dr Sumantra Pal, Economic Advisor
  2. P.K.Sinha, Deputy Secretary
  3. Rajesh Puri, Deputy Director
  4. Arun Kumar, SSO

All matters related to:

  1. Review of compilation and publication of DPE guidelines in coordination with all other divisions.
  2. Annual performance · appraisal of Board functionaries of CPSEs (CPSE SPPAROW);
  3. Model CDA Rules, CVC guidelines and complaints against Board and below Board level executives;
  4. Pay revision of Board level executives below Board level executives and non unionized supervisors & proposals relating to wage settlements of unionized employees of CPSEs;
  5. Cabinet/ CCEA Note on wage revision and other subjects .of wage related matters.
  6. Quarterly DA orders for IDA and ·CDA pay­ scale employees of CPSEs;
  7. Correspondence including court cases on wage policy matters (fixation of pay/ HRA/ CCA/ gratuity etc.) from· individuals/ unions/ associations/ CPSEs of-Administrative Ministries/ Departments etc.;
5 Survey Division
  1. Ms. Bindu Sreedathan, Deputy Director General
  2. Baljeet Singh, Joint Director
  3. Anup Prasad, Asst. Director

All matters related to Survey such as:

  1. Collection and scrutiny of data of CPSEs for PE Survey from Ministries/Departments;
  2. Updating Online application for PE Survey on DPE website;
  3. Coordination with Ministries/departments/CPSEs for work related to PE Survey;
  4. Preparation and printing of PE Survey Report;
  5. Laying of PE Survey and CAG Report (Commercial) in Parliament;
  6. Monitoring of Capital Expenditure of select CPSEs and its updation on PMO portal;
6 Disinvestment Division
  1. Amardeep Singh Chowdhary, Pr. Adviser (Cost)
  2. Shiv Shankar Ojha, Director
  3. Anupama Sharma, Assistant Director
  4. Dharamveer Singh, Assistant Director

All matters related to:

  1. Matter related to 'New PSE policy' in non­ strategic sector: analysis of CPSEs for closure/ privatisation;
  2. Preparation of proposals and obtaining approval of competent authority;
  3. Driving of closure process of CPSEs approved for closure;
  4. Capital restructuring and other similar references in coordination with DIPAM;
  5. Matters relating to CGD / IMG meetings on strategic and minority disinvestment coordinated by DIPAM;
  6. Cabinet/CCEA/COS Notes and other consultation on above subjects.
7 Administration, Cash, Parliament, Vigilance & Coordination Division
  1. Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
  2. Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary (Admn. & Coord.)
  3. Ms. P. Songlianvung, Under Secretary
  4. Nitin Kumar, Under Secretary (Admn.)
  5. Sudhir Kumar, Section Officer
  6. Satish Kumar, ASO (Parl. & Admn.)
  7. Saurabh Agrahari, Assistant Section Officer (Coord. & Admn.)
  8. Pawan Dahiya, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
  9. Neeraj Kumar, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
  10. Akash Yadav, Assistant Section Officer (Admn.)
  11. Chandni Singh, Section Officer (Cash)
  12. Alok Srivastava, Assistant Section Officer (Cash & Budget)

A. Establishment:

  1. Personnel matters including creation/continuation/ abolition of posts, recruitment rules etc.;
  2. Matters related to recruitment, appointment, retirement, YRS and review under FR 560) etc;
  3. Transfer, posting, deputation, domestic/ foreign tour, promotion, MACP and other service-related matters;
  4. Work allocation and nomination of nodal officers for various portals/ activities/ events;
  5. Reservation related matters, including matters related to Reservation ce11;
  6. Pay fixation, annual increment, conveyance allowances, LTC/ TA advance, leave encashment, GPF withdrawal, loans and advances, grant of honorarium, etc.;
  7. Pension and CPENGRMS related matters;
  8. Employees related other miscellaneous matters such as Leave Record, LTC, CGHS etc.;
  9. Maintenance of APARs and IPRs (Sparrow)
  10. Service-Book updation · and other miscellaneous matters.
    B. General Administration:
  1. Maintenance of Offices including furniture and other equipment/accessories, and surrounding premises;
  2. Provisioning of office accessories and services,including telephones, IT accessories and services;
  3. Hiring of manpower and vehicles;
  4. Expenditure on conferences, entertainment, contingency, office supplies, etc.
C. Vigilance Unit:

Vigilance matters including complaints and disciplinary cases of DPE.

D. Library:

Custody of library and maintenance of library records.

E. Receipt & Issue:

All receipt and issue/dispatch related matters.

    F. Cash:
  1. Maintenance of GPF accounts and issue of annual GPF slips, GPF advance and withdrawals;
  2. Calculation of income tax and issue of IT certificates;
  3. Disbursement of payments, reconciliation of accounts.
G. Budget:

All Budget related matters and monitoring of expenditure

H. Parliament:

All Parliamentary work of DPE including matters related to the Parliamentary committees.

    I. Coordination:
  1. Periodical reports and returns including e­ Samiksha, monthly DO etc.
  2. Public grievances and CPGRAMS related matters and SCDPM;
  3. All matters requiring coordination, including campaigns and events which need coordination;
  4. All Matters related to Sectoral Group of Secretaries.
8 AMRCD Cell
  1. Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
  2. Kranti E. Khobragade, Deputy Secretary
  3. Shankar Lal, Deputy Director
  4. Arun Kumar, SSO

All matters related to:

  1. Administrative Mechanism ;for Resolution of CPSEs Disputes (AMRCD);
  2. AMRCD Web Portal;
9 NLMC Cell
  1. Dr. Vasundhara Upmanyu, Joint Secretary
  2. Rohin Koppuravari, Deputy Director
  3. Danish Sulemani, Assistant Director

All matters related to NLMC such as:

  1. Secretarial assistance for meetings of IMG/CGAM/AM;
  2. Coordination with CPSEs and Govt. agencies for monetisation of assets;
  3. Departmental coordination and supervision on NLMC;
  4. Guidelines for non-core assets monetisation;
  5. Matters of enemy property disposal;
  6. Matters relating meeting of CGAM for assets monetisation.
10 IT Cell
  1. Lucas L Kamsuan, Joint Secretary
  2. Dr. Naeem Ahmed, Sr. Director (IT), NIC-DPE
  3. Ms. P. Songlianvung, Under Secretary (IT Cell)
  4. M. Kumar, SSO (IT Cell)

All matters related to IT Cell such as:

  1. Maintenance and Upgradation of DPE Dashboard;
  2. Development and Maintenance of DPE online platforms;
  3. Supervision of IT Cell;
  4. Social Media Management.
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