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E.g., 09/01/2024
S. No. Guideline ID Subject of Guidelines: OM No. OM Date Detail
31 GL-92996 Reconstitution of PESB and its Role and Responsibilities. No. 27(21)-EO/86 (ACC) dated 3rd March, 1987 03/03/1987 Download (2.35 MB) pdf
32 GL-92973 Preponing / postponing of Weekly off in Public Sector Undertakings due to the "BUNDH" calls given by fundamentalist or communal organisations BPE OM No.16/53/87-GM dated 18th August, 1987 18/08/1987 Download (131.24 KB) pdf
33 GL-93081 Carry forward of half pay sick leave in the event of movement of the employee from one enterprise to another 2(2)/85-BPE (WC) dated 25.01.1988 25/01/1988 Download (1.18 MB) pdf
34 GL-92666 Grant of Permission to Public Sector Employees to Join Territorial Army-Extension of Facilities to Public Sector Employees on the Lines of Facilities Available to Central Govt. Employees. BPE OM No. 17(1)/88-GM dated 8th February, 1988 08/02/1988 Download (163.31 KB) pdf
35 GL-92333 Recommendations made by the High Power Pay Committee on payment of interim relief to employees working in Public Enterprises following Central DA pattern 2(5)/87-BPE(WC) 05/04/1988 Download (181.49 KB) pdf
36 GL-92935 Delegation of Powers to Public Sector Undertakings Signing Memorandam of Understanding with the Government DPE OM No.BPE1(18)/88-Fin.(PPU) dated 19th October, 1988 19/10/1988 Download (108.12 KB) pdf
37 GL-92951 Permanent Machinery of Arbitration-regarding DPE D.O. No. 15(9)/86-BPE(Fin) dated 29th March, 1989 29/03/1989 Download (176.38 KB) pdf
38 GL-92667 Description in Hindi on the Commodities Manufactured by the Public Enterprises. BPE OM No. 16/11/89-GM dated 9th May, 1989 09/05/1989 Download (144.12 KB) pdf
39 GL-92296 High Power Pay Committee-Implementation Of Its Recommendations. DPE O.M. No. 2(43 DPE)/90- (WC) 12/06/1990 Download (268.45 KB) pdf
40 GL-92936 Delegation of enhanced powers to Board of Directors of MOU signing Public Sector Enterprises to incur capital expenditure. DPE OM No.1(18)/86-DPE(MoU) dated 29th August, 1990 29/08/1990 Download (97.14 KB) pdf
41 GL-92997 Liability of Government of India in respect of contracts relating to commercial activities abroad of Indian public sector undertakings - Immunity from jurisdiction of foreign courts - insertion of a clause in such contracts regarding. DPE OM No. 16(10)/90-GM dated 9th November, 1990 09/11/1990 Download (194.8 KB) pdf
42 GL-92297 Adoption of IDA pattern and related scales of pay w.e.f. 1.1.1989 by the PSEs which were on CDA Pattern. DPE O.M. No.2(48)/90-DPE (WC) 22/04/1991 Download (275.92 KB) pdf
43 GL-92202 Reservation for scheduled Cast and Scheduled Tribes in appointments in Public Enterprises issue of revised Presidential Directive. (OM No. 6/19/89-BPE (SC/ST Cell) 25/04/1991 Download (589.58 KB) PDF
44 GL-92284 Banking arrangements of Central Government Public Enterprises DPE O.M. No.DPE/14(19)/ 90-Fin 03/01/1992 Download (145.69 KB) pdf
45 GL-92298 Wage Policy for the 5th round of wage negotiations in Public Sector Enterprises. DPE O.M. No. 1(3)/86-DPE(WC) 12/04/1993 Download (186.94 KB) pdf
46 GL-92952 Settlement of disputes between one Government Department and another and one Govt. Department and a Public Enterprise and Public Enterprises and another. DPE OM No. 3/3/91-PMA dated 5th May, 1993 05/05/1993 Download (91.24 KB) pdf
47 GL-92937 Delegation of powers to public sector undertakings signing MOU with the Government. DPE OM No. 18(13)/93-GM dated 10th January,1994 10/01/1994 Download (94.99 KB) pdf
48 GL-92938 Delegation of powers to Public Sector Undertakings signing Memorandum of Understanding with the Government DPE OM No. 2(36)/86-DPE(WC) dated 4th March, 1994 04/03/1994 Download (107.37 KB) pdf
49 GL-92299 HPPC Implementation of its recommendations Stagnation Increments employees on CDA pattern DPE O.M. No. 2(43)/93 - DPE (WC) 15/03/1994 Download (169.16 KB) pdf
50 GL-92287 Renunciation of Right Issues of PSUs. DPE O.M. No. DPE/12(19)/93-Fin. 15/03/1994 Download (138.66 KB) pdf
51 GL-92250 Investment of surplus funds, procedures of investments banking transactions responsibilities of Board of Directors, etc.Recommendations of the Joint Parliamentary Committee. DPE O.M. No.DPE/4/3/92-Fin. 27/06/1994 Download (141.72 KB) pdf
52 GL-92203 Liasion Officers for reservation Matters relating to Physically Handicapped/ Ex-Servicemen/ OBCs (OM No. 36035/8/92- Estt. (SCT) 10/11/1994 Download (20.47 KB) PDF
53 GL-92204 Reservation Available for Ex-Servicemen in Group-D C & Specified category of Group-B posts/services under the Central Govt. Revised Procedure for filling the vacancies (OM No. 36012/58/92-Estt (SCT) 01/12/1994 Download (19.45 KB) PDF
54 GL-92253 Guidelines for investment of surplus funds by PSEs DPE O.M. No.4/6/94-Fin. 14/12/1994 Download (132.61 KB) pdf
55 GL-92842 High Power Pay Committee-Implementation of its recommendations-payment of House Rent Allowance to the employees posted at Shillong (Meghalaya). DPE O.M.No.2(43)/90-DPE(WC) dated 2nd January, 1995 02/01/1995 Download (194.4 KB) pdf
56 GL-92527 Revision of Scales of Pay of the Executives holding posts below the Board level and non-unionised supervisors w.e.f. 1.1.1992 DPE O.M. No. 2(50)/86-DPE (WC) 19/07/1995 Download (252.84 KB) pdf
57 GL-92528 Board level Posts in Public Enterprises-Revision of scales of pay of schedule Posts W.E.F. 1.1.1992. DPE O.M. No. 2(50)/86-DPE (WC) 19/07/1995 Download (239.19 KB) pdf
58 GL-92334 New DA Formula Applicability to unionised staff/workers in PSUs. 2(50)/86-DPE (WC) 26/07/1995 Download (179.03 KB) pdf
59 GL-92252 Guidelines for investment of surplus funds by PSEs DPE O.M. No. DPE 4(6)/94-Fin 01/11/1995 Download (148.31 KB) pdf
60 GL-92288 Issue of Bonus Shares by Public Sector Undertakings simplifying the Procedures DPE O.M. No. DPE/12(6)/95-Fin. 10/11/1995 Download (196.6 KB) pdf


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