- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
Public Enterprises Survey 2023-24
- P E Survey Report -Download (7.18 MB)
- National Metadata Structure -Download (699.71 KB)
- Statement 1- Net Profit / Loss(-) in CPSEs Under Different Ministries / Departments (Statement A as per P E Survey) -Download (39.31 KB)
- Statement 2- Dividend Declared by CPSEs (Cognate Group Wise) -Download (23.35 KB)
- Statement 3- Net Profit of Profit Making CPSEs (Cognate Group Wise) (Statement B as per P E Survey) -Download (27.06 KB)
- Statement 4- Net Loss (-) of Loss Making CPSEs (Cognate Group Wise) (Statement C as per P E Survey) -Download (16.55 KB)
- Statement 5- Cash Loss (-) of Loss Making CPSEs During 2023-24 -Download (15.58 KB)
- Statement 6- CPSEs returned from loss to profit in FY 2023-24 -Download (11.24 KB)
- Statement 7- Investment (Financial) in Central Government Enterprises Under Different Ministries/Deptts. as on 31.3.2024 -Download (58.19 KB)
- Statement 8- Details of Participation in Equity of Public Enterprises by Different Parties as on 31.3.2024 -Download (53.37 KB)
- Statement 9- Details of Short Term Borrowings(Secured & Unsecured) of CPSEs as on 31.3.2024 -Download (23.11 KB)
- Statement 10- Details of Long Term Borrowings(Secured & Unsecured) of CPSEs as on 31.3.2024 -Download (27.08 KB)
- Statement 11- State-Wise CPSEs with Gross Block & Employment During the Last Three Years---Download -Download (116.75 KB)
- Statement 12- Ranking of CPSEs in Terms of Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, Extraordinary Items & Tax (PBEET) in 2023-24 -Download (31.7 KB)
- Statement 13- Ranking of CPSEs in Terms of Gross Turnover / Revenue from operations in 2023-24 (Statement D as per P E Survey) -Download (28.91 KB)
- Statement 14- Ranking of CPSEs in Terms of Employment in 2023-24 -Download (29.2 KB)
- Statement 15- Ranking of CPSEs in Terms of Gross Block in 2023-24 -Download (37.86 KB)
- Statement 16- Capacity Utilization in Manufacturing CPSEs -Download (60.95 KB)
- Statement 17- Expenditure on Research and Development in CPSEs (Statement E as per P E Survey) -Download (19.33 KB)
- Statement 18- Component of Internal Resources of CPSEs Generated During 2023-24 -Download (32.92 KB)
- Statement 19- Internal Resources Utilized as % of Fixed Assets as on 31.3.2024 -Download (27.67 KB)
- Statement 20- Foreign Exchange Earnings of CPSEs in FY 2023-24 (Statement F as per P E Survey) -Download (24.75 KB)
- Statement 21- Number of Employees and Houses Constructed in CPSEs -Download (30.01 KB)
- Statement 22- Break-Up of Total Employees as on 31.3.2024 (Statement G as per P E Survey) -Download (56.07 KB)
- Statement 23- Township Maintenance Expenditure in CPSEs (Cognate Group) -Download (13.3 KB)
- Statement 24- Representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in the CPSEs Under Different Ministries/Departments as on 31.3.2024 (Statement H as per P E Survey) -Download (64.5 KB)
- Statement 25- Equity Participation by Under Construction CPSEs as on 31.3.2024 -Download (18.03 KB)
- Statement 26- Procurement from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) by CPSEs during FY 2023-24 (Statement I as per P E Survey) -Download (25.34 KB)
- Statement 27- Contribution to Central Exchequer during FY 2023-24 (₹ in Lakhs) (Statement J as per P E Survey) -Download (43.32 KB)
- Appendix I- Central Public Sector Enterprises under different Ministries/ Departments as on 31.03.2024 -Download (48.21 KB)
- Appendix II- Operating Central Public Sector Enterprises under different Sectors/ Cognate Groups as on 31.03.2024 -Download (26.99 KB)
- Appendix III- Central Public Sector Enterprises having Registered offices in Different States/Union Territories as on 31.03.2024 -Download (36.98 KB)
- Appendix IV- Ind-AS Applicable Operating CPSEs as on 31.03.2024 -Download (20.8 KB)
- Appendix V- Central Public Sector Enterprises whose data has been treated as Provisional in FY 2023-24 -Download (14.9 KB)
- Appendix VI- List of Under Construction CPSEs as on 31.03.2024 -Download (17.81 KB)
- Appendix VII- List of CPSEs which have been Added/ Removed in the PE Survey 2023-24 -Download (15 KB)
- Appendix VIII- List of CPSEs under Liquidation / Closure/ Non Operating as per information by CPSE/Concerned Ministry (as on 31.03.2024) -Download (12.61 KB)
- Appendix IX- List of CPSEs - Schedule wise and Ratna category wise -Download (17.59 KB)
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