- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
Orientation Programme for Capacity Building of newly appointed non-official Directors of CPSEs in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh on 8th and 9th January 2018
DPE is organizing Orientation Programme for Capacity Building of newly appointed non-official Directors of CPSEs in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh on 8th and 9th January 2018 in collaboration with HPCL.
CPSEs are requested to nominate their such non-Official Directors who have not attended any such workshops conducted by DPE for Capacity Building of Directors of CPSEs.
The details of nominated Directors may be intimated to us immediately (email: mishra[dot]bn[at]nic[dot]in and kailash[dot]bhandari[at]nic[dot]in) so that further arrangements could be made in this regard and shared with the nominated Directors.
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