- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
Conference of Non-Official Directors of CPSEs
News & Events
Conference of Non-Official Directors of CPSEs
22nd July, 2009 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi
1. The Department of Public Enterprises has, as a part of its initiative to further strengthen corporate governance, planned to organize a number of Conferences for Non-Official Directors of CPSEs. The first of these conferences will be organized in New Delhi on 22nd July, 2009 in collaboration with Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). The Minister (HI&PE) has consented to inaugurate the Conference and deliver the Keynote address.
2. For the Conference on 22.7.2009, Navratna (18) and Miniratna (59) CPSEs have been asked to nominate two Non-Official Directors each. Non-Official Directors are are retired senior civil servants, ex-chief executives of CPSEs, academicians, Chartered Accountants and other management professionals. Representatives of a few Ministries have also been invited to participate in the Conference. It is expected that this conference will be attended by around 150 delegates.
3.The inaugural Session, between 10 and 11 AM, will be followed by Technical Sessions which will be taken by domain experts. The following issues will be deliberated during this conference:
(i) Corporate Governance framework, (ii) Roles/Responsibilities of non-official Directors as members of the Board and in the Audit/Remuneration Committees, (iii) Corporate Governance practices in public sector enterprises and (iv) Accounting and Auditing issues.
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