DPE, in association with Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited, has initiated development of a Knowledge Management Portal (https://samanvay.cpse.in) on which all the CPSEs can share their best practices, case studies, tacit knowledge, breakthrough innovations, etc. in their respective functional domains. The proposed portal also has a separate section on infrastructure facilities such as R&D, training, equipment, etc. which can be shared with other CPSEs. The portal has been launched and in first phase executives of 54 Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs have been given username and password to access and upload information in the portal. In the second phase, 115 more CPSEs are being covered. The executives of these CPSEs can use the portal for uploading relevant information and accessing available information.
- वित्त मंत्रालयMinistry of Finance
"Samanvay" Knowledge Management portal of Department of Public Enterprises.
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