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Voluntary Retirement Scheme(VRS)

SI. No. Subject: OM No: OM Date:
1 Introduction of a revised Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). DPE OM No. 2(32)/97-DPE(WC)/GL-XXII dated 5th May, 2000 05/05/2000
2 Voluntary Retirement Scheme/Voluntary Separation Scheme for the employees of Public Enterprises. DPE OM No. 2(32)/97-DPE(WC)GL-XXXV dated 8th December, 2000 12/08/2000
3 Further modification in the revised Voluntary Retirement Scheme. DPE OM No.2(32)/97-DPE(WC)/GL-LVI dated 6th November, 2001 11/06/2001
4 Voluntary Retirement Scheme/Voluntary Separation Scheme for the employees of Public Enterprises. DPE OM No. 2(32)/97-DPE(WC) dated 28th February, 2002 02/28/2002
5 Further modification in the revised Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). DPE OM No. 3(21)/01-DPE(WC)/GL-XII dated 26th October, 2004 10/26/2004
6 Further clarifications on DPEs OM on Voluntary Retirement on Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS). Voluntary Separation Scheme (VRS). DPE O.M-19(5)/2013-DPE(CRR) dated. 31st March, 2014 03/31/2014
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