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Allowances and Perquisites

SI. No. Subject: OM No: OM Date:
1 High Power Pay Committee-Implementation of its recommendations-payment of House Rent Allowance to the employees posted at Shillong (Meghalaya). DPE O.M.No.2(43)/90-DPE(WC) dated 2nd January, 1995 01/02/1995
2 Payment of HRA to the employees of Central PSEs. DPE O.M.No.M-13/93-DPE(WC) dated 1st October, 1996 10/01/1996
3 Pay revision of the Central Public Sector employees following CDA pattern in 69 PSEs- Classification of Calcutta and Chennai cities A-I Class for the purpose of grant of HRA and grant of Leased Accommodation regarding. DPE O.M.No.2(42)/97-DPE(WC) dated 20th July, 1998 07/20/1998
4 LTC suspension in central PSEs. DPE OM No. 2(3)/2001-DPE(WC) dated 28th February, 2002 02/28/2002
5 Suspension of Leave Travel Concession in Central Public Enterprises-Relaxation to employees posted in North Eastern Region. DPE O.M.No.2(3)/2001-DPE(WC) GL-VIII dated 12th June, 2002 06/12/2002
6 Leasing of Houses for officers in the Central Public Enterprises. DPE OM No. 2(38)/03-DPE(WC) GL-XXIV dated 29th October, 2003 10/29/2003
7 Reclassification of cities/town on the basis of 2001-census - grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Compensatory (City) Allowance (CCA) to Central Government employees. DPE OM No.2(49)/98-DPE (WC) dated 30th December, 2004 12/30/2004
8 Economy measures in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) that are dependent on budgetary support for salary and allowances-Air travel entitlement of employees regarding DPE OM No. 2(16)/95-DPE(WC)-GL -IX/06 dated 5th September, 2006 09/05/2006
9 Upgradation of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation and Bangalore as A-1 class city for the purpose of House Rent Allowance / Compensatory (city) Allowance - regarding. DPE OM No. 2 (49)/98-DPE (WC)-GL-X dated 11th October 2007 10/11/2007
10 Special Allowance to CPSE employees for serving in the difficult and far flung areas. DPE OM No.2(77)/09-DPE(WC)-GL-XII/2010 dated 22nd June 2010 06/22/2010
11 Recovery of rent for the leased accommodation from employees of CPSEs. DPE OM No. 2(68)/08-DPE(WC)-GL IV/12 dated 20th March, .2012 03/20/2012
12 Issue of HRA in respect of employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) under 2007 pay scales. DPE O.M.No.2(46)/2012-DPE(WC)-GL-I/2013 dated 07th January 2013 01/07/2013
13 Foreign tours of Executives and Functional Directors of CPSEs. DPE OM No.2(23)/2007-DPE(WC)-GL-VIII/13 dated 07th March 2013 03/07/2013
14 Keeping certain allowances outside the 50 percentage ceiling for Perks and Allowances. DPE OM No. 2(17)/2010-DPE(WC)-GL-XV/13 dated 11th June 2013 06/11/2013
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