1 | Difference of Opinion Between The CVO And The Chief Executive And Between The Vigilance Officers And The Head of Office. | (BPE No. 15(11)/85-BPE(GM) | 04/23/1985 |
2 | Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission Over PSU Executives. | (DPE O.M. No. 18(13)/84-GM | 10/27/1986 |
3 | Improving Vigilance Administration. | (DPE OM No.15/11/98-GL-012/ DPE (GM) | 12/22/1998 |
4 | Strengthening of Vigilance Machinery in Public Sector Undertakings And Grant of Incentives To Chief Vigilance Officers. | (D.O. No.15(3)/2000/GL-024/DPE(GM) | 05/22/2000 |
5 | Chief Vigilance Officers-Status And Perquisites in Public Sector Undertakings | (DPE O.M. No. 16(48)/87-DPE(GM)/GL-56 | 04/02/2004 |