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Service Matters

SI. No. Subject: OM No: OM Date:
1 Appointment of Non-Indian Personnel To Posts in Public Enterprises. (BPE No. 9(100)/71-BPE(GM-I) 10/23/1972
2 Verification of Character and Antecedents of Persons belonging to Nepal. (BPE O.M. No. 15/8/83-GM 02/18/1984
3 Issue of Eligibility Certificate In Respect of Non-Indians Considered Eligible for Appointment under Public Sector Enterprises. No. BPE/GL-007/77/MAN/2(3)/77-BPE (GM-I) 02/14/1977
4 Writ petitions by CPSEs against the service matter disputes referred to the Industrial Tribunals - Reference received from Chief Labour Commission (CLC) - regarding. DPE-GM-12/0002/2018-GM-FTS-9188 dated: 25th June 2018 06/25/2018
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